The Dream Center addresses all areas of growth for survivors. The facility will operate as a social enterprise with timely access to services and program; a safe, welcoming, healing, and respectful environment; an emphasis and reiteration to clients that every person has value; and a work environment that empowers TDF’s staff of survivors.
Sustainable Housing
Along with the immediate care provided through the drop-in/crisis intervention center, TDF will also provide short-term (45 to 90 days) housing for residents. TDF’s licensed long-term housing will encourage survivors to stay for at least 1 year to receive structured services and support, with the option of staying for approximately 2 years or until they are ready for the workforce. TDF will primarily serve girls and women 12 to 24 years old. Clients with drug and alcohol problems will be referred to a 90-day treatment center and visited/supported by a Dreamcatcher case manager, with the goal of entering TDF’s long-term residency program upon completion of treatment.Program Model
Each resident will:- Be assigned a personality-matched mentor (a qualified professional).
- Participate in TDF’s Dream School which will offer art classes, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) classes, social justice classes, music classes, nutrition classes, fitness classes, and creative writing.
- Participate in college tours and college placement services.
- Complete TDF’s 12-month curriculum (life and coping skills).
- Become a peer mentor under TDF’s stipend-based program.
- Meet with personality-matched case managers 3 times per week to assess her progress/overall growth.
- Attend bi-weekly intervention sessions throughout the duration of her stay.
- Enroll in school, a GED program, or college/trade school and receive tutoring services.
- Get help with becoming economically stable and finding affordable housing or TDF-monitored foster care if underage.
- Survivors with children will be enrolled in our Family Recovery Program, which includes long-term parenting classes.
Economic Empowerment
Each survivor will be offered the following services:- GED courses or help with enrolling in school.
- College placement services.
- Employment opportunities with our partner organizations.
- Artistic trades, like jewelry-making, t-shirt design, handbag design, culinary skills, photography, visual art, etc., and tools to help set up and grow a business (provided by professionals in these fields). TDF will also create an online boutique to sell survivor-made products with a portion of proceeds going directly to survivors.
- Job placement services.
- STEAM classes to expose survivors to fields where women are underrepresented.
- Stipend-based peer mentor program embedded within TDF’s 12-month curriculum.
- Stipend-based peer advocate program that will enable survivors the opportunity to ‘give back.’
- Training for survivors interested in becoming direct service staff or for administrative positions.

Social Services
TDF wants to provide services that will sustain survivors in the long-term:- Counseling
- Trauma care
- Case management
- Primary medical care via TDF’s community partners
- Affordable housing
- Life skills training
- Mentoring for prevention and intervention
- Children of the Night’s WOW program (online GED classes and mental health services)
- Outreach and prevention programs
- Referral service with linkages to other agencies
- Parenting classes for residents with children via our Family Recovery Program
- Tutoring services
- TDF’s Dream School classes
Boys in crisis will be able to stay in TDF’s crisis center until appropriate arrangements are made with other local shelters or homes.